Hetzner Storage Box Support - SSH

Dennis Nind shared this idea 6 years ago

We would like to use Hetzner SSH Storage Boxes for our backup solution...


We have already configured an SSH key, so we are able to rsync without a password prompt using /root/.ssh/id_rsa

However, when we try and add this as a backup destination, we get the following error in JetBackup...

Error: Failed to validate destination write ability

I can confirm the rsync however is working fine from the shell directly. I believe the reason for this is that the storage box doesn't permit Interactive SSH access, so its only available for SFTP, rsync and SFTP. Basically, its not available to ssh into directly.

It would be great if you could add this support, as storage boxes are incredibly affordable, fast and reliable from our tests so far.

The cost is also comparable / cheaper than backblaze for larger storage volumes!

The important reason for this is that Backblaze is based in the USA, with only 1 DC - we are UK based, and Hetzner is located far closer.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

The JetApps Team is excited to announce the release of JetBackup 5, now available on the EDGE tier which includes the ability to add Hetzner Storage Boxes as an SSH Destination! We would like to invite everyone to check out what the latest version of JetBackup has to offer!

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at https://blog.jetapps.com/jetbackup-5-now-on-edge-tier/.

The EDGE release of JetBackup 5 comes with a FREE 10-Day Trial for all new installations.

Your feedback will not only help our team identify bugs and release fixes much faster, but also helps us in improving JetBackup towards a stable release version!

We look forward to hearing from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team.

Replies (13)



Thank you for your feedback :)

I have opened an internal case for your request,

and we will seriously considering this.

We will update you accordingly.


JetApss team.



I also need solution for same problem. Did you resolved this problem?



Hello Team,

Please consider this in priority as it is a good solution when compared to other storage devices. Hetzner is a good provider to storage boxes.





Thank you for the feedback.

Hetzner storage support is still on drawing board,

And might be implemented on JetBackup 4.1

Thank you,

JetApss team.


This would be great! In the meantime, for the UK you can use StorageSpider and switch to Hetzner once they allow SSH, or use both and have one for secondary backups. You can never have too many backups! StorageSpider works perfectly with JetBackup, and the same setup is used to backup HostXNow Shared/Reseller servers, but of course, secondary backups of those servers are sent to other offsite locations just to be on the safe side. It would be great to be able to use Hetzner Storage Boxes for another place to store data.



cPanel servers are less recomended then un-cPanel as a backup servers.

But as said "You can never have too many backups!" :)

Thank you for the feedback HostXNow.

JetApps team.


Of course, there are more chances of a cPanel server becoming hacked due to the many different software hosted on the server than just a server with only jailed SSH backup accounts, but then some would likely want to hack live production servers and not backup server cPanel or otherwise.

If the cPanel server being used for backups is running CloudLinux along with CageFS then at least it isolates each backup account from one another which is good. Also, cPanel/CloudLinux updates happen automatically and even more secure when using Kernelcare so any less secure than a non-cPanel server, agreed?

What we do is backup up servers to jailed SSH cPanel accounts and then every so often back up the data up to Online c14. It is a shame you cannot backup directly to Online c14 because, by default, what they call "safe" will automatically close after 7 days. Therefore, you cannot use Online c14 for continuous data protection. Excellent for secondary backups though. Plus Online c14 only has France location. So backing up to UK server first and having secondary backups in France is a good backup system. You could even add another backup outside of UK/Europe but due to latency can slow the transfer speeds down. Using at least two different backup systems in the same continent should be fine.



"cPanel server becoming hacked" - Yes, this is one of the reasons for not recommending cPanel server as a backup destination server - and on that case, CageFS can definitely be an assist.

Anyway, to extend this topic you are more than welcome to open a forum conversion about it @ https://forum.jetapps.com/


JetApps team


Hi there,

We are definitely keen to use this.

We managed to get it working through the FTP backups, but its so, so slow.

SSH backups would be ideal!

Do you have an ETA when this would be released?

Or, do you have a recommended workaround for now? Such as one of the mount options?

Kind regards,




This issue is Under consideration for JetBackup 4.1

The ETA for that version is about a year.

This destination hasn't been tested as a mounted partition - if you were able to manage the connection as SSH connection it may be a great workaround at this stage.


JetApps Team.


any thing new ?

I'm waiting you to enable Hetzner Storage Box as incremental destination


Same here...


Hi guys,

Thank you for your continued interest in this feature and support for JetBackup!

As you may know, our team has been hard at work developing our new core, JetBackup 5, which will be first introduced in JetBackup for DirectAdmin(public ALPHA release out now).

The initial alpha release prioritizes getting the core functionalities and features stable and then build and integrate new features, including giving the community the tools to create custom destinations using our baselines and API. You will then be able to add these "community" destination plugins alongside default destinations that we work on, wherein Hetzner Storage Boxes over SSH can be one of them. I'd also like to add that Hetzner Storage Boxes can be used as an FTP/SFTP destination with the current version of JetBackup for cPanel.

Once JetBackup for DirectAdmin reaches the STABLE tier, our team will begin porting this core over new and currently supported panels and platforms, including cPanel.

We'd like to thank you again for your continued support in our products and please stay tuned for updates regarding the next major JetBackup releases!

Highest Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.



But via FTP/SFTP now working incremental, we need this, thanks!


Hi Guys,

I'd just like to share that this feature has been implemented on our new JetBackup core, JetBackup 5! With this new core, you can now add Hetzner storage boxes like any regular SSH destinations with the complete benefit of incremental backups.

This new core will serve as the underlying foundation for all our upcoming major JetBackup updates and releases across multiple platforms, including JetBackup for DirectAdmin(currently in ALPHA) and JetBackup for cPanel which we expect to release late this year.

If you are interested to test this feature out in Jetbackup 5 for DirectAdmin, please visit the following link for more instructions: https://request.jetapps.com/topic/support-for-direct-admin

Please follow this feature request as well as our social media channels for the latest announcements and updates. Thank you for your patience and continued support of JetBackup!

Highest Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.



This year for cPanel? You rocks. :)


Any idea when this will be available for cPanel?




Hello Everyone,

The JetApps Team is excited to announce the release of JetBackup 5, now available on the EDGE tier which includes the ability to add Hetzner Storage Boxes as an SSH Destination! We would like to invite everyone to check out what the latest version of JetBackup has to offer!

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at https://blog.jetapps.com/jetbackup-5-now-on-edge-tier/.

The EDGE release of JetBackup 5 comes with a FREE 10-Day Trial for all new installations.

Your feedback will not only help our team identify bugs and release fixes much faster, but also helps us in improving JetBackup towards a stable release version!

We look forward to hearing from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team.


just to clarify - its final for DirectAdmin also now?


Hi @johannes1080,

Yes, this Edge tier release for JB5 also supports DirectAdmin.

Thank You,

Anton, JetApps Team.


yihaa, thank you !! :)


I was trying to test Hetzner as a backup destination but get

Error: Failed downloading authorized_keys file (/.ssh/authorized_keys).

Some basic guide would help so we can test it and provide feedback.


Hi HostXNow,

Thank you for trying out Hetzner Storage Box with JetBackup 5 and my apologies for the issue you're facing. I assume you are trying to add your destination via the password authentication.

If you haven't done so, may I suggest trying to use the Private Key Authentication method to see if this method works. Here is the official guide for generating keys for Hetzner: https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/storage-box/backup-space-ssh-keys/

If you continue to encounter issues adding Hetzner as your destination, kindly reach out to our support team at support@jetapps.com so that we may further investigate your issue.

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Hello everyone, HostXNow,

Please note that the latest version of the SSH plugin with the bug fix for the Hetzner Destination issue has been released to EDGE v5.0.26. Both password and private key authentication should now work with this update.

Thank You,

Anton, JetApps Team.


I still have the same problem, do not connect to the ssh storage box, I have already added the key and also tested it by password.


Hi Thiago,

We are sorry to hear that you are having issues connecting ssh to the storage box. We have not had any recent known issues yet since the update, so we would really like to try and duplicate this issue. I kindly urge you to reach out to our support team at support@jetapps.com or open a support ticket in your client area so that we may further investigate your issue.

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team


Today have installed JetBackup 5, wanted to add destination - Hetzner Storage box, created ssh keys - https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/storage-box/backup-space-ssh-keys/..

When I use password got this error (IP is changed)

Error: Warning: Permanently added 'u12470X.your-storagebox.de,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey,password).

When I use Private key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa), then I can save destination but it still not working got error

Error: rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.3]... JetBackup uses version 3.1.3, my Cloudlinux server 3.1.2..

In Settings -> Binary locations have tried to change Jetbackup to server rsync, but still same error (/usr/local/jetapps/usr/bin/rsync -> /usr/bin/rsync)...

Destination is saved, Jetbackup shows Disk Info size, Validate is working - Destination Validated Successfully




Thanks support, now is working




Hello Marin,

We are glad to hear our support team was able to successfully help you with this issue. We greatly appreciate your feedback and continued use of JetBackup. If you run into any future issues, always feel free to reach out to our support team.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team.


Hi there,

Has anyone so far used this on any significant scale, and if so, how have you found the backup performance?

Kind regards,



I get

Error: mux_client_request_session: session request failed: Session open refused by peer Host key verification failed. Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

I have tested on different setups, and it always seems to fail on one account, and the account varies each time it runs.


Hello HostXNow,

We are sorry to hear about your issues with backing up to Hetzner. The error you reported appears to be an intermittent connection issue between your sever and Hetzner Storage Box.

I notice that you have already reached out to our support team. We are currently waiting for more information on your end so that we may proceed with our investigation.

Thank you again for your continued support of JetBackup 5. We hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards,

Richard, JetApps Team.


If you need to setup Jetbackup5 with Hetzner Storage Box destination please refer to this video. It has a great explanation and a full PDF on the comments with all the commands used. (PDF is also available in english) I was able to get the destination working in less than 10 minutes.


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