Option to backup databases directly over SSH

Will Dashwood shared this idea 4 years ago
Under Consideration

On servers which have limited local storage, it would be great if there were the option to dump databases directly on the remote destination, bypassing the need to store the SQL file locally.

Here's an example of how I would take a mysqldump of a large database and store it remotely over SSH:

mysqldump --opt --single-transaction --max_allowed_packet=1G DATABASE | /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/pigz --fast | ssh -i /root/.ssh/backup USERNAME@HOST "cat > ~/DATABASE.sql.gz"
Obviously that's a very simple example and this wouldn't apply to all backup targets/servers, but would certainly be welcome for our needs.

Replies (1)


Hello Will,

Thank you for submitting your feature request! We notice that this request is similar to another feature request for gzip with pigz here: https://request.jetapps.com/topic/parallel-gzip-with-pigz. We understand the need for options and efficiency when it comes to backing up data. Our development team will be reviewing this and update accordingly.

Please note that our development team utilizes the voting feature to gauge the priority of feature requests. The feature requests with higher votes (most popular) will have a higher chance of being considered for development.

Thank you for your patience, please refer here for any updates or be on the lookout for updates through our social media pages.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team


I've used pigz in this example but that is not the key part of this feature request. It's about dumping the database over SSH directly on the destination, that's what it's really about.

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