Backup statistics tracking

Jim Bob shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration

We are using JetBackup 5, and it would be nice to have a "Statistics" area to see some useful metrics about the backups so we can better tune the backup jobs and our servers.

For example:

- Graph showing duration of backup (How long did each backup take?) This is useful to quickly see how our changes to the server have impacted the backup jobs.

- Graph of server load during each backup. (To see how backup impacts the server during runtime.)

- File transfer speed (for SSH destinations). (Useful to diagnose transfer/bandwidth problems.) (Admin note: Request same as - Performance Benchmarking for Destination)

- Graph of disk space usage.

I'm sure there are other statistics, but those would be most useful for us.


Replies (1)


Hello Jim,

Thank you for leaving your feedback and opening a feature request. We will be reviewing your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we utilize the voting system to gauge demand for new features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Please note that we have pointed the request "File transfer speed (for SSH destinations). (Useful to diagnose transfer/bandwidth problems" to an existing Feature Request to help avoid confusion.

Thank you,

JetApps Team

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