Backup specific server files (not just directories)

Jim Bob shared this idea 3 years ago
Already Exists

We would like the ability to backup specific server files, and not just directories/folders.

This is because there are often server configuration files that are needed to have a backup (such as /etc/mailips and many others).


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Replies (2)


Hello Jim,

Thank you for leaving your feedback and opening a feature request. I would like to note that with JetBackup 5's Directories Backup, you are able to select specific server Files and/or Folders to backup to your destinations. A Directories Backup Job will unlock the Directories and Files to Include section that has a File Selector used to select your Files and Folders to your specification.


This will need to be configured as a separate backup job as Accounts Backup Jobs only backup the files/folders under the account's home directory. If this feature does not meet your use case please let us know what additional features you would like to see.

Thank you for your continued support,

The JetApps Team


Thanks. You can delete this feature request since it is already a feature that is implemented. :)


Hello Jim,

Thank you for your update. We have gone ahead and updated the request accordingly. We appreciate your continued support for JetBackup.

Thank you,

Richard, JetApps Team

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