JB 5 does not backup sieve scripts in /home/{user}/imap/{domain}/{user}/sieve

Zerg shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration

JB 5 (DirectAdmin version) currently does not backup sieve scripts in /home/{user}/imap/{domain}/{user}/sieve. I was told to add feature request, but for me it is a bug, because probably everybody expects everything in /home/{user} to be properly backed up.

Replies (1)


Hello Zerg,

Thank you for your feedback and for opening up a feature request! We will be reviewing your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we utilize the voting system to gauge demand for new features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Additionally, it is noted in our documentation that there are some Account Files/Folders, for each Panel, Excluded from all Account Backup Jobs by default. You can find this information here: Default Excludes

Thank you,

Richard, JetApps Team.

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