FTP/SFTP support for JetBackup 5

Jens Kirk shared this idea 3 years ago
Completed - Needs feedback

Hi :-)

We need FTP/SFTP support for JetBackup 5.

Any ETA?

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued patience! With the release of JetBackup v5.2.9 to the EDGE Tier, we are excited to announce that we have added FTP Support on JetBackup 5! This JetBackup 5 update includes our new FTP Destination Plugin (EXPERIMENTAL) which utilizes our Backup and Indexing Engine that we introduced with the S3 Compatible Destination Plugin.

You can find more information about configuring FTP Destination(s) in JetBackup 5 in our documentation HERE. Please note that the use of our FTP Compatible Plugin is still considered experimental as we continue to push updates to increase its stability, efficiency, and versatility.

Below is an image of the Create New Destination screen with the new FTP Destination Support:


Please note that this release does not include SFTP support as it requires additional protocols to be implemented.

Thank you very much for your patience and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team or feel free to leave your feedback on this request.

Thank you,

The JetApps Team

Replies (9)


Hello Jens,

Thank you for your feedback, and for opening up a feature request! I would like to note that with JetBackup 5, our brand new Indexing Engine will be the core to adding new Destination Plugin Types such as potentially FTP/SFTP. Currently, our developers are working on stabilizing the Indexing Engine with the current "experimental" S3 Compatible Plugin. Once this has reached a stable version, our developers can begin creating new Destination Plugins. We expect the S3 Compatible Plugin to be stable within the next 3 - 6 months.

With that said, we will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

Richard. JetApps Team


Thank you :-)

>>We expect the S3 Compatible Plugin to be stable within the next 3 - 6 months.

That sounds good :-) When the S3 is working perfectly, we don't need the FTP anymore :-)




is SFTP support really planned?

for when?


good idea


waiting for sftp since im using external servers for backups and its already supported free into cpanel backup options and still not in jetbackups 5



We'd like to thank you for your continued support.

While SFTP destinations are not currently offered through JetBackup5 yet, our development team is actively working on stabilizing the experimental S3 destination first. We are aiming to have this completed by the first or second quarter of this coming year.

We appreciate your patience. And please know our team is being as thorough as we can be, to ensure a quality product for everyone.

Best Regards,

Cristofer, JetApps LLC


Any update? This seem to take so long in the world of Jetapps. :/


I just can't see how the company can tout itself as 'The Leading Provider of Data

Backup and Migration Software' when they don't have basic features that other providers have. Some of Jetbackup is fantastic, but other parts fall flat. If a competitor came along and offered what I need, I'd jump ship very quickly.

Please be more transparent, honest and move quicker. There's requests and promises in the request site going back years.


Hi Greg,

We wanted to reach out to thank you for your patience. We understand there are lots of different destinations that have high demands and we are doing our best to accommodate those destinations with the most need first. However, with limited resources, our team may not be able to accommodate all highly requested features in a timely manner.

We try to allocate resources as best we can while we continuously develop JetBackup 5. With that being said, please note the development for this feature is underway and we hope to provide an update on our progress towards the end of Q2. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to implement other destinations and features.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We would be more than happy to assist or chat with you.

Best regards,

The JetApps Team


Hello everyone,

We appreciate your continued support of JetBackup. We would like to share that as our current destination's development comes to a close, we will be working on FTP/SFTP next. We hope to provide further updates about FTP/SFTP's progress at the end of Q2.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any further questions.

Best regards,

The JetApps Team


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued patience! With the release of JetBackup v5.2.9 to the EDGE Tier, we are excited to announce that we have added FTP Support on JetBackup 5! This JetBackup 5 update includes our new FTP Destination Plugin (EXPERIMENTAL) which utilizes our Backup and Indexing Engine that we introduced with the S3 Compatible Destination Plugin.

You can find more information about configuring FTP Destination(s) in JetBackup 5 in our documentation HERE. Please note that the use of our FTP Compatible Plugin is still considered experimental as we continue to push updates to increase its stability, efficiency, and versatility.

Below is an image of the Create New Destination screen with the new FTP Destination Support:


Please note that this release does not include SFTP support as it requires additional protocols to be implemented.

Thank you very much for your patience and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team or feel free to leave your feedback on this request.

Thank you,

The JetApps Team

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