JetBackup 5 should fall back to original_package in DirectAdmin

Zerg shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration

If You add e.g. 10GB of space to user in DirectAdmin, then in user.conf "package" changes to "custom" and original package value is stored in "original_package". When "account filters" are used in JetBackup to assign backup jobs by package, JB is using only "package" value from user.conf. There should be an option to fall back to "original_package" value if "package" is "custom". As a workaround, I currently have another job that backups "other" packages, but since there is no way to tell which package it is, there is no way to assign them to correct schedule.

Replies (1)


Hello Zerg,

Thank you for opening a feature request! Our developers will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

Richard. JetApps Team


It is causing disk space issues on backup. When there is a 150 GB account and we add 10GB temporarily, then package changes to custom and JetBackup creates fresh (not hardlinked) backup. When we remove 10GB another day and package changes back to old one, JetBackup creates another fresh backup. We now have 3 separate backups totaling 450 GB.

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