JB5: Move failing accounts to the end of the backup queue and give them a re-run at that point

Jens Kirk shared this idea 3 years ago
Completed - Needs feedback

Hi :-)

In JetBackup 5 backup jobs often have at least one failing account backup due to minor things. We get warning emails about partially failed backup jobs and must investigate and re-run the specific accounts which are not failing at that point. This could easily be done automatically.

Can you improve JetBackup 5, so it moves failing accounts to the end of the backup queue and gives them a re-run at that point?

Only if they fail again, we need to a warning email about this.

This will lower the amount of “false positives” due to minor things.

Thank you :-)

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We'd like to update you that we recently added a new feature in JetBackup 5 v5.2.8 (Available on the EDGE Tier as of this posting) that allows JetBackup to retry processing an account backup at the backup item level. With this feature enabled, Jetbackup will simply retry processing the backup item ONCE right after a backup item fails, instead of having to reprocess the entire account backup.

You can enable this feature on each Backup Job by going to your Backup Job settings and enabling the "Retry failed items" option:f37da2d006ddce9697dc46796495292e

We look forward to hearing and gathering your feedback with this new option and we are also considering adding the option to set the number of retries depending on the feedback that we receive.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

Replies (2)


Hello Jens,

Thank you for your feedback, and for opening a New Feature Request. Please note that this functionality may be achieved via our JetBackup 5 Post Backup Account Hooks. Creating a Post Backup Account Hook will allow you to run our JETAPI to queue a Backup on Demand for the Account IF it had a status of Partially Complete/Failed during the Scheduled Backup Job.

With that being said, our developers will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team


Hello Everyone,

We'd like to update you that we recently added a new feature in JetBackup 5 v5.2.8 (Available on the EDGE Tier as of this posting) that allows JetBackup to retry processing an account backup at the backup item level. With this feature enabled, Jetbackup will simply retry processing the backup item ONCE right after a backup item fails, instead of having to reprocess the entire account backup.

You can enable this feature on each Backup Job by going to your Backup Job settings and enabling the "Retry failed items" option:f37da2d006ddce9697dc46796495292e

We look forward to hearing and gathering your feedback with this new option and we are also considering adding the option to set the number of retries depending on the feedback that we receive.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

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