JB5: API Setup Flag

Chris shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration

One of the main issues currently when setting up JB5 using the API is that, unlike JB4, there's a lot more hoops to jump through to get JB5 into a state where it permits you to add a destination or access/install any of the apps (such as SSH).

It would make sense to have a flag either on the installer or on the approveAgreement API command to force Jet to skip all of the initial setup steps (disaster recovery, showcase etc) so that it's immediately ready for setup/configuration by the API. This would speed up the process of setup allowing for rapid deployment as currently to do this you have to:

1) exit disaster recovery

2) factory reset

3) approve each showcase notification

Only after the 3 above steps can you actually list and install packages via the API which is very convoluted for a setup process!

Replies (1)


Hello Chris,

Thank you for your feedback and for openeing a Feature Request. To clarify, you only need to use EITHER exitDisasterRecovery OR factoryReset JETAPI commands to begin the setup process of JetBackup 5. You would use exitDisasterRecovery if there is already a JetBackup Configuration installed and you do not need to queue a Disaster Recovery. Then the factoryReset command is best used when you are installing JetBackup 5 for the first time and need to start with the default JetBackup 5 Configuration. These actions are the same as the GUI when loading JetBackup 5 after install, factoryReset -> New Installation, exitDisasterRecovery -> Exit Disaster Recovery:


With that said, our developers will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team

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