Add xxhash support to rsync

Lucas Rolff shared this idea 3 years ago
Under Consideration

I'd like to see xxhash support being compiled into the rsync binary JetBackup ships.

xxhash is a checksum method available which offers roughly 25% increase in performance compared to the default checksum method used in rsync.

This setting should likely be "opt-in" since the destination server might have to use an rsync that supports xxhash.

Administrators who wish to use xxhash would be the ones to sort out the destination binary :)

From Centminmod showing the performance:


Replies (1)


Hello Lucas,

Thank you for your feedback and for opening a New Feature Request. I would like to point out that with JetBackup, although we use our own rsync binary for backups by default, it is possible to change which Rsync Binary JetBackup uses via the Settings -> Binary. If you have another Rsync Binary on your server with the xxhash compiled into it, feel free to try changing the rsync Binary Location to the path of your custom Rsync Binary.

Please note that using custom binaries is done at your own risk and may not be fully supported with JetBackup. With that said, our developers will be reviewing your request and provide updates accordingly.

Thank you,

Richard, JetApps Team

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