Free Inode Space Limit

indrarisa pradana shared this idea 2 years ago


We are using dedicated server to backup data, and currently we have issue with inodes limit. At this moment, jetbackup only limit Free Disk Space Limit when create destination. We will glad if jetbackup also able to limit inodes on destination.


Thank you.

Best Answer

Hi Indrarisa,

Thank you for reaching out to us via our feature request page. This request has been discussed with our development team and they have added it to their tasks list. The request is now set to the "Planned" status. While we do not have an ETA at the moment. However, we will update this page when the feature is completed.

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

Replies (1)


Hi Indrarisa,

Thank you for reaching out to us via our feature request page. This request has been discussed with our development team and they have added it to their tasks list. The request is now set to the "Planned" status. While we do not have an ETA at the moment. However, we will update this page when the feature is completed.

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

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