Show progress for each cPanel when doing restores and backups

Jens Kirk shared this idea 22 months ago

Hi :-)

When doing backups or restores for large cPanel (over 50 GB) it will take a while. I these cases it would be very beneficial for us to see the progress for this job alone. In this way see can see if is stalled or still living but just taking long time.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We're pleased to announce that we have now added a brand new progress bar for restores, downloads, and backups with the release of JetBackup 5.3.3, now available on our ALPHA Tier!

For more information on the latest updates included in v5.3.3, please visit our changelog page with the following link:

Add more informative progress bar for restore, download and backup

Thank you for your continued support!

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

Replies (4)


Hello Jens,

Thank you for opening a feature request! Our developers will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team



I second this idea, but also for the sake of being to estimate roughly how long full restore will take (eg. if it took 20min to complete 33% we can assume we have roughly 40min left).



I just love the idea of showing the progress for each cPanel when performing backups and restores on the JetBackup platform. This is a really useful feature that will help users better control the process and evaluate the speed of operations. When it comes to backing up and restoring data, each cPanel has its own relevance, and monitoring progress at an individual level is invaluable. Such a feature will allow users to see how long each operation will take and make more informed decisions based on that information. I fully support the proposal to implement this feature and look forward to seeing it implemented in the JetBackup platform. I am confident that it will bring significant convenience and allow users to manage their backups and data recovery more efficiently.


Hello Everyone,

We're pleased to announce that we have now added a brand new progress bar for restores, downloads, and backups with the release of JetBackup 5.3.3, now available on our ALPHA Tier!

For more information on the latest updates included in v5.3.3, please visit our changelog page with the following link:

Add more informative progress bar for restore, download and backup

Thank you for your continued support!

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

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