hide button for ender users when the download feature disabled

mart shared this idea 22 months ago


no matter i set "no" or "nenver" for "Can Download Backups",
when cpanel user select "Full Backups" or other button,
it still show "download" button there,although it is not clickable.

hope it can be hiden as v4 does.

because you show the button there,
client will ask why why why not let them use the donwnload feature,
it will make us get more complain and support to relay.


Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We're pleased to announce that we have now added the option to disable the download/restore button for end-users with the release of JetBackup 5.3.3, now available on our newest ALPHA Tier!



For more information on the latest updates included in v5.3.3, please visit our changelog page with the following link:

Hide "Restore"/"Download" button in end-user panel when related permission is disabled

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

Replies (2)


Hello mart,

Thank you for opening a feature request! Our developers will review your request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team


Hello Everyone,

We're pleased to announce that we have now added the option to disable the download/restore button for end-users with the release of JetBackup 5.3.3, now available on our newest ALPHA Tier!



For more information on the latest updates included in v5.3.3, please visit our changelog page with the following link:

Hide "Restore"/"Download" button in end-user panel when related permission is disabled

Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

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