Restore from outside of WP

JetApps Requests Admin shared this idea 2 years ago

If WP backend is broken, it would be nice to be able to restore from outside of WP, such as running a php. (Like Kickstart for Akeeba Backup)
Just today I had this issue: target server had wrong PHP version. Would have been easier to restore (migrate) with external restoration option.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that we are ramping up the development of the new JetBackup for WordPress plugin and are seeking beta testers to provide valuable feedback. Your input will help us expedite the public release and ensure the highest quality for our users. In this version, downloaded backups will be in the tar.gz format instead of SGBP allowing easier access to the backup files for restores outside of JBWP.

If you're interested in participating, please contact us at to receive a development version of JetBackup for WordPress v3. No license is required for beta testing.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

Replies (2)


Hello everyone,

We are pleased to share that development on the next major version of JetBackup for WordPress is underway. This update will include a significant change from the SGBP backup format to a standard tar archive which will allow clients to conveniently extract and restore backups outside of JetBackup for WordPress.

We appreciate everyone's patience and support and we look forward to providing another update to you all soon!

Thank You,
The JetApps Team.


Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that we are ramping up the development of the new JetBackup for WordPress plugin and are seeking beta testers to provide valuable feedback. Your input will help us expedite the public release and ensure the highest quality for our users. In this version, downloaded backups will be in the tar.gz format instead of SGBP allowing easier access to the backup files for restores outside of JBWP.

If you're interested in participating, please contact us at to receive a development version of JetBackup for WordPress v3. No license is required for beta testing.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,

The JetApps Team

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