Suggestion: Full support for CloudFlare RS (Object Storage) for JetBackup for WordPress

Jens Kirk shared this idea 23 months ago
Under Consideration

Hi :-)

We like to use the object storage service at CloudFlare for JetBackup for WordPress.

Replies (3)


Hello Jens,

We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback and suggest a new feature. Our team will review your request and keep you informed of any updates. It's worth noting that we use a voting system to gauge the level of interest in new features. The more votes a particular request receives, the more likely it is that our development team will consider it.

Thank you,

The JetApps Team


Any news? :-)


Any news now? :-)


Hello Jens,

Thank you for your continued interest in this feature and support for JetBackup. This feature is currently under consideration from our development team. Please note that the number of votes help us determine the level of interest in new features and influences how likely we are to consider it.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

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