config backup of cpanel and plesk

Alex Stamatis shared this idea 15 months ago
Under Consideration


Jetbackup does not take a configuration backup from the server.
Typically a server configuration of a cpanel or plesk is around 100-200 Mbyte.

We really need a feature where Jetbackup would execute a manual plesk or cpanel backup respecitively just for the server configurations and will include those files in the daily backup that it stores on the repository.

Its not practical to have to setup the server to take an additional backup of its config and also set it up to save it to a backup destination.

This way in case of a disaster recovery we can have both the cpanel/plesk configs restored immediately via the native cpanel or plesk interface and then use jetbackup to restore all the individual accounts.

Thank you

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Replies (2)


Hello Alex,

Thank you for your interest and support for JetBackup. Currently, the best method to Backup server panel configurations using JetBackup is to create a Directories backup job and select the config files/directories to include.

Additionally, we understand that you would like to have a server panel config item included in the daily JB Config backup as well. We will review the request and provide updates accordingly. Please note that we utilize the voting system to gauge demand for new features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

Thank you,

JetApps Team



Well in cpanel you could probably set a directory backup on /backup and have cpanel backup only its config files.

In plesk however, because all the backups are stored in /var/lib/psa/dumps , these might have user backups as well. When a plesk user does a plesk backup this is stored in the default dir and not in its own userspace like on cpanel servers.

Thus you might end up doing backups of plesk backups as well.

The best way for plesk would probably be to execute the following command which will only do a configuration backup

plesk bin pleskbackup --server -c

and then snatch the just created files and place them in the jetbackup repository as well.


Hello Alex,

Thank you for your continued interest in JetBackup.

To clarify, JetBackup does not store any files from a user's server/account in a repository. All items that are included in a backup are transferred to the destination that the admin configures. The information stored on JetBackup's databases are JetBackup settings/configurations and data used to index the files at a destination (not the file data itself).

It is possible to create a Directories backup job including the server panel config backups made by Plesk/cPanel and you are free to do so if you have the required disk space available. However, you will need to manually restore those backups of the server panel config backups.

We do currently have an experimental BMR (Bare Metal Restore) feature that is designed to backup entire servers. Please note that it is still experimental.

All in all, we understand that you want JetBackup to be able to generate server panel config backups and will provide updates as soon as they are available.

Thank you,

JetApps Team

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