Allow Cloning suspended account on cPanel

Support Team shared this idea 12 months ago
Under Consideration

We have encountered an error when we run an account clone job:

ERROR] Failed making API Call to cPanel/WHM (uapi). Error: Failed to parse adminbin request: Account is suspended at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/AdminBin/ line 101.

The clone job ends with "Partially Completed".

We have found that this issue is related to the suspension status of the account, as discussed on this ticket:

As "Partially Completed" may caused by other issues, and we have to check it frequently, which is inconvenient and time-consuming.

Therefore, we would like to request a new feature:

- A new option on the cloning task setting page to enable/disable "Unsuspend suspended account before cloning, and restore the suspend status afterward".

This way, the suspended account can be cloned "successfully" (as jetbackup has full access to the cPanel API if the account is not on suspended status) to the target server.

We hope that you can consider this feature request and implement it in the future updates.

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Your continued support and interest in JetBackup is greatly appreciated! We will review your feature request and provide updates when they are available. Please note that the we use the voting system to gauge the amount of interest for a feature. The more votes a feature has, the more likely our developers will consider adding the feature.

Thank you,

JetApps Team

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