Multiple Schedules - As per BackupGuard

Roy Corneloues shared this idea 10 months ago

I purchased BackupGuard for a few key reasons. The first being cloud backup, the second being multiple schedules.

On the sites where I still have the original plugin installed I have the following for each site:

  • Daily - wpc, plg, thm
  • Weekly - upl
  • Weekly - db
  • Monthly - full

Only allowing for a single schedule implies we should now only perform a full back at a cadence that may not tie in with how the site is used/updated.

At least with a weekly db backup, the most data a site would lose would be 7 days.

Now that are at risk of losing a whole months worth.

And now I've lost control of the legacy plugin too. I cannot got any further than the login screen as it just loops back round again.

I can only assume that whatever that login form authenticated against no longer exists!

The current JetApps Backup does not have feature parity with the product I originally purchased!

Please resolve either ASAP, or confirm this will arrive in v3.



Replies (2)


Hi Roy,

Thank you for your feedback!

We have temporarily deactivated the multi-scheduling feature in the backup-guard plugin due to initial design limitations in handling multiple schedules.

We've redesigned this feature, which is now included in the upcoming version 3 of the plugin. I've attached a sneak peek for you.




Looks awesome Eli,

If you need any beta testers, let me know...


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