We need JetBackup without AVX,AVX2 flags

office shared this idea 17 days ago

If server CPU (only modern CPUs support this flags) not support AVX/AVX2 flags, or flags aren't being exposed to the Virtual Machine, JetBackup cannot be upgraded.

This fact:

1. increases the price of the cPanel server. You have to buy a newer baremetal server with a newer CPU.
2. Install JetBackup to the virtual machine makes it difficult , or impossible IF the root administrators of the parent server not want to eventualy change setup for that VM.

More details here:


Replies (1)



Thank you for your feature request. Our developers are currently looking into a solution so that the AVX flags will not be required in a future JB5 update. We do not have an ETA available at this moment and will provide updates as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team

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