Ability to add backup condition for each backup job

Sohail Ahmed shared this idea 6 years ago
Already Exists


I would like JetBackup to add this feature where we can specify backup condition for each backup job we create like

if account size is less than 1 GB backup weekly.

If account size is greater than 1GB and less than 5GB backup monthly.

If backup size > than 5GB don’t backup (already possible with current backup rotation).

This would simplify stuff even more.


Replies (3)



Thank you for your feedback :)

In JetBackup 3.3 we introduced a new smart "filtering" feature. You will be able to create as many filters as you want per job.

Version 3.3 should be released to public EDGE tier within the next two weeks, just make sure to set your update TIER to EDGE and system will pick it up automatically.

Keep in mind that as EDGE releases tend to be a little bit more buggy, it is advised first to test it in a non production environment.




Please add the feature where we can add filter for “Backup Job” like if account size is greater than 1 Gb backup monthly. If less than 1 GB backup weekly.

Filters are added in this version but it doesn’t support backup period. Its either do backup or don’t.


Hi Sohail Ahmed,

Thank you for your feedback :)

I have opened an internal case for your request,

and we will seriously considering this.

We will update here though for any progress.



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