Add support for Wasabi

Ray Baron shared this idea 7 years ago

Wasabi it 100% compatible with S3 so it would take only minor changes to port the S3 module to Wasabi.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that our new Incremental Backup Engine with support for S3 Compatible Destinations, including Wasabi, is now available on JetBackup 5.1 on the EDGE Tier!

We like to invite everyone to check out our new Backup Engine and see what the latest JetBackup has to offer!

If you are interested to try out JetBackup 5 with our new engine, please consider getting a free trial at

Already using JetBackup 4? You may install and use both JetBackup 4 and 5 versions simultaneously under the same license at no extra cost.

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at

We look forward to hearing feedback from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5 towards a stable release version!

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.

Replies (15)



Thank you for submitting your feedback :)We will be reviewing it and update accordingly.


JetApps Team


I want to second this request. It's a very cost effective object storage service. But much more reliable than Backblaze B3. They seem to have full compatibility with the Amazon S3 API. That should make this very easy to implement.

Perhaps you can support S3 Compatible services in general, by allowing us to specify the s3 endpoint manually. That would enable you to support quite a large number of object storage services. Wasabi, Digital Ocean Spaces, Openstack Swift?, etc... Not all platforms share full feature parity with the S3 API, so that might take a little extra work compared to simply supporting Wasabi though.

This is already an option with built-in cpanel backup:



Add another vote for this! It would be so easy to implement this the way cPanel did so that we can use just about any S3 API compatible storage company. Amazon is not the value leader anymore. It would take you guys what, a day to implement something like this?



this would be a good!


Another vote. They offer Europe location now too.


With Wasabi being 100% compatible with AWS S3 access methodology, this is a no-brainer and a very minimal coding task.

I've not found any AWS S3 application that doesn't also work with Wasabi *unless* it hard-codes the S3 endpoint in some way such as JetBackup does.

Wayne explains the concept well in one of the previous posts.

Please do this sooner rather than later.

Thanks team.



Thank you for this query.

We are planning to add 'Wasabi' support on JetBackup 4.1

Currently, there is no official ETA for this version, but the assumption is that it will take more than six months.



Thanks for the update! In the meantime, you can all use StorageSpider for UK/Europe location as it supports SFTP, Rsync and SSH.

Glad to see the status has been updated to "Planned".



I'm wanting to use wasabi with Jetbackup.

I see that it has how to put it for cpanel by modifying the "/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/526/lib64/perl5/cpanel_lib/Amazon/"

Note: (the number 526 in the path changes for different servers)

W. Change to on the below lines:

$ self-> host ('') if not defined $ self-> host;

$ self-> host ('s3-'. $ error_hash -> {'Region'}. '') unless $ called_from_redirect;

Does Jetbackup have any similar files that they could change too?


Hi Flávio,

Thank for submitting this feedback,

Currently, JetBackup hasn't supported custom S3 destinations.

[When setting up a new backup destination there are many aspects to check, the primary is security (the data transfer is the easy part)]

Although, we are planning to implement a full S3 coverage in JetBackup 4.1


Ofir Nagadi


I can't believe this hasn't been implemented yet. For all your advanced features, cPanel even has S3 compatible destinations. This should be low hanging fruit. Here we are over a year later and we're still using cPanel backups because JB won't implement this vendor. What's the holdup or do you have some kind of contractual obligation with Amazon preventing this?


I am happy to read your comment, your words are also mine my friend.

spoke well, really I would also hire more jetbackup licenses if they had already implemented support for wasabi and many developers of systems, scripts and etc. already put an option to put the link to a custom provider that also uses s3 in addition to amazon.

I am also very upset with jetapps.


Hi guys,

Apologies for the extended delays in implementing Wasabi and custom Object/S3 Storage support.

As you may know, our team has been hard at work developing our new core, JetBackup 5, which will be first introduced in JetBackup for DirectAdmin(public ALPHA release soon).

The initial release will prioritize getting the core functionalities and features stable and then build and integrate new features, including incremental Object Storage support and giving the community the tools to create their custom destinations using our baselines and API. You will then be able to add "community" destination plugins wherein Wasabi can definitely be one of them.

Once it reaches the STABLE tier, our team will begin porting this core over new and currently supported panels and platforms, including cPanel.

We'd like to thank you again for your continued support in our products and please stay tuned for updates regarding the next major JetBackup releases!

Highest Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Great to hear! Any date when the alpha will be released please?


Wasabi has a FTP interface - see "Enabling FTP/FTPS" in their "Management Console User Guide"

Also, they have a "How do I use S3FS with Wasabi" tutorial in their knowledge base.

Would either approach work well with Jetbackup?

Looking at the "Destinations Overview" documentation, it seems like a local mount would be ideal, even better than native Wasabi support.



Hi John,

We use LFTP for our FTP backup destination which allows mv, mkdir, ls and other basic bash commands. From our testing, we had issues using FTP in Wasabi as it lacks support for certain commands that JetBackup uses, particularly move and rename commands.

As for locally mounting a Wasabi destination through S3FS, the filesystem operations on fuse mounted destinations are handled by the userspace program and not through the kernel.

For S3FS, the mv command is limited to a per-file basis and do not support renaming directories through the mv command. It also lacks support for hardlinks which JetBackup uses for incremental backups.

Thank You,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Any update on this? It is sorely needed.


Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that our new Incremental Backup Engine with support for S3 Compatible Destinations, including Wasabi, is now available on JetBackup 5.1 on the EDGE Tier!

We like to invite everyone to check out our new Backup Engine and see what the latest JetBackup has to offer!

If you are interested to try out JetBackup 5 with our new engine, please consider getting a free trial at

Already using JetBackup 4? You may install and use both JetBackup 4 and 5 versions simultaneously under the same license at no extra cost.

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at

We look forward to hearing feedback from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5 towards a stable release version!

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Are these instructions valid for the 5.1 edge tier trial? I have a wasabi account and would like to take it for a spin!


Hi Eric Caldwell,

Yes that is correct, here is our documentation for how to add S3 Compatible Destinations in JetBackup:

Please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at if you have feedback or need further assistance setting up Wasabi on JetBackup with your Trial!

Thank You,

Anton, JetApps Team.


It seems we can't trial 5 since we trialed 4.x that didn't work for us. Any way to get the IP resest?


Hello Eric Caldwell,

Thank you for reaching out and creating a ticket on our helpdesk. I see that our support team has already had that sorted out for you. please let us know if you need further assistance :)

Thank You,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Hey all,

We have tried the Wasabi integration, and whilst it's amazing to see S3 compatibility now as part of JetBackup, I am not sure how feasible it is as a backup destination on any sort of real scale.

We have performed a number of tests, and the performance backing up large quanities of inodes is incredibly poor, vs SSH or Hetzner storage boxes.

In fact, with Hetzner Storage Boxes, we actually saw a huge uplift in performance vs our previous SSH transfers to dedicated storage boxes (as illogical as that may be!).

For anyone testing Wasabi, can you share your results here so we can see how it performed?



Have you tried tweaking the "Concurrent Account Backups" settings? (Settings -> Performance)

Default is 1, so it will upload the accounts one-by-one

The first run can be a little bit slower, but the second and above, given that it's only pushing changes should be super fast

Here is my latest test -

Server with 100 cPanel accounts

250GB Total, largest account with 1M inodes

Concurrent Account Backups are set to 5

First run: 4h

Second run: 9 minutes

The third run and above is fixed around 9 minutes, this is an active production server.


Hey Dennis, our first run with WASABI took 12hrs for 54 accounts for 100gb, some accounts are 9gb+ (pretty large like Moodle installations) but we only had 1 concurrent set. We upped it to 3 and the incremental took 18 mins after that. I think that the first run does take a bit but, if you have an incremental set, it reasonably fast and something that cPanel can't do on even S3, incremental backups, and file by file restores. We've been waiting a LONG time for this in JB. Not sure that WASBI is the issue here. We use them for other storage and have never had a slow connection.


Thank you Eric for sharing!

Also, just to clarify about accounts with huge inodes -

On the first run at least, you cannot compare it to rsync over SSH as S3 compatible destinations are sending files over HTTP requests.

You are "loosing" lot's of resources only for opening / closing requests, while with rsync it's only opening a connection tunnel once, and once it's open, it can drive traffic through it.

With S3, If a file is represented by a single HTTP request, and for the example a request will "cost" you 1 seconds, 100 files will "cost" you 100 seconds only for negotiating, without the time it took to actually push the file.

But (yes, there is a but), if you take a hosting company, with 100 servers, that is doing backup to the same rsync-over-ssh destination, eventually the rsync-server will not be able to handle the IO, and it's not the "write speed" I am referring to, it's the "read speed", with millions of inodes, rsync will need to compare changes on both source and destination, this alone without even pushing changes, can crash a FreeNAS server with lot's of resources.

This is not a factor with S3 destinations, as the vendors are distributing the load in their cloud (at least we hope they do :) ).

Furthermore, jetbackup's engine is managing the indexing internally, so it doesn't even access the remote destination for comparing, only when needed to push changes.

Luckily we support both, so we can choose which is better for us :)


Thanks for explaining the difference! We've been waiting for JB5 with Wasabi support for almost 2 years and are re-evaluating for our servers. So far, the backups (after the initial index and backup) are working as expected now (a little bump but understand why now) and actually performed a file restore.

Next step is to perform an account restore from incrementals (scenarios where we exclude email, db, etc.) and see how that goes.

One feature suggestion. When you're selecting individual files for restore, it would be nice to be able to click the column header to sort by date asc or desc so that you can see what files were changed on the account recently. Could be a huge time saver for accounts with 1000s of files.



Thanks! I went ahead and opened a case for our developers to evaluate your suggestions.

While experimenting, I'll suggest tweak the Concurrent Account Restores/Downloads & Concurrent Account Backups settings, this should be different from server to server based on CPU cores.

As far as I could tell, around 10 for each should be the maximum you can squeeze out of the destination, I couldn't see major improvements above these numbers, guessing it's a network issue or destination limits.


Just wanted to weigh in with my experience. I am the original requester of this feature. A big thank you to JetApps for getting Wasabi incorporated.

My experience is that the initial backup is much slower than the rsync based backup we selected in v4, but the incremental backup is much faster than v4 rsync backups to (in our case) Backupsy.

JetApps explanation of the reason for this is very helpful. Our solution is to add domains for backup to v5 a few per day rather than run a full backup all at once.


Thanks all for your input - most helpful! I think the initial backup when running on a single simultaneous deterred me from completing my tests, which was a bit silly of me!

I completely missed the flag in regards to simultaneous backups, which certainly was a bottleneck. I have increased this to 5 for our servers, and the performance is significantly better.

Still comparing between Hetzner Storage Boxes and Wasabi at the moment - initial backups of Wasabi are certainly slower, but the incremental backups seem impressive in both cases.

What we have found though, is that the backup speed of Wasabi on incremental is far more 'consistent', whereas Hetzner Storage Boxes can seem to fluctuate quite a bit (which I expect, as I'm sure they are just zfs servers).

Were seeing daily backups in incremental completing on average 4-6 accounts a minute, which isn't bad at all. The consistency here is key though, and will push us to Wasabi no doubt.

The Hetzner backups aren't bad either to be honest! So it's amazing to see two great options to replace our old kit, which certainly did become a problem with intensive rsyncs over time due to the high IO.

Impressive stuff though guys, great work!


Hey Dennis,

What's the verdict? Wasabi or Hetzner long-term for you?

Also, which would you say it's easier to grab the data from should you want to copy the data from Hetzner or Wasabi back to your own backup dedicated servers. It's possible to do with Hetzner, but not sure about Wasabi as they only allow FTP access? With Hetzner, you can rsync the data from the storage box back to a dedicated server. I haven't tested it with Wasabi. Again, Wasabi only supports FTP access afaik.



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