exclude user based file list

Guest shared this idea 7 years ago

In cPanel there is a cpbackup-exclude.conf file in each user directory.

There you can put all files/dirs which should not get backuped.

would be nice if this can activated, to use for.


Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

The JetApps Team is excited to announce the release of JetBackup 5, now available on the EDGE tier which includes the ability for your users to exclude files on their backups individually! We would like to invite everyone to check out what the latest version of JetBackup has to offer!

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at https://blog.jetapps.com/jetbackup-5-now-on-edge-tier/.

The EDGE release of JetBackup 5 comes with a FREE 10-Day Trial for all new installations.

Your feedback will not only help our team identify bugs and release fixes much faster, but also helps us in improving JetBackup towards a stable release version!

We look forward to hearing from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team.

Replies (4)



Thanks for submitting the request.

Take a look at:https://docs.jetapps.com/jetbackup/exclude-files-folders-from-cpanel-backup

Let us know if that helps.



For specific user, you can add an exclude file into "/etc/jetapps/apps/jetbackup/exclude/" folder

file name should be "user.exclude"

There is an example file inside this folder


Path in version 4 is


but this can only edited from the administrators of the server.

the cpbackup-exclude.conf is in the home dir from the user, and can be edited from the user himself, so it is requested another feature in the original request



I will move your request for a future consideration.

Thank you,

JetApps Team.


Hi Guys,

Thank you for your continued interest in this feature and support for JetBackup!

I'd just like to share that this feature has been implemented on our new JetBackup core, JetBackup 5! With this new core, users, as well as admins, can now specify their own paths to exclude from their backups.



This new core will serve as the underlying foundation for all our upcoming major JetBackup updates and releases across multiple platforms, including JetBackup for DirectAdmin(currently in ALPHA) and JetBackup for cPanel which we expect to release late this year.

If you are interested to test this feature out in Jetbackup 5 for DirectAdmin, please visit the following link for more instructions: https://request.jetapps.com/topic/support-for-direct-admin

Please follow this feature request as well as our social media channels for the latest announcements and updates. Thank you for your patience and continued support of JetBackup!

Highest Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Hello Everyone,

The JetApps Team is excited to announce the release of JetBackup 5, now available on the EDGE tier which includes the ability for your users to exclude files on their backups individually! We would like to invite everyone to check out what the latest version of JetBackup has to offer!

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at https://blog.jetapps.com/jetbackup-5-now-on-edge-tier/.

The EDGE release of JetBackup 5 comes with a FREE 10-Day Trial for all new installations.

Your feedback will not only help our team identify bugs and release fixes much faster, but also helps us in improving JetBackup towards a stable release version!

We look forward to hearing from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5.

Best Regards,

JetApps Team.

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