Incremental backup for Backblaze

Kamil S shared this idea 6 years ago

It would be nice to add the possibility of making incremental backups in the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage service


Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that our new Incremental Backup Engine with support for S3 Compatible Destinations, including Backblaze B2, is now available on JetBackup 5.1 on the EDGE Tier!

We like to invite everyone to check out our new Backup Engine and see what the latest JetBackup has to offer!

If you are interested to try out JetBackup 5 with our new engine, please consider getting a free trial at

Already using JetBackup 4? You may install and use both JetBackup 4 and 5 versions simultaneously under the same license at no extra cost.

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at

We look forward to hearing feedback from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5 towards a stable release version!

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.

Replies (10)



Thank you for submitting a feedback :)

We will be review it and update accordingly.


JetApps Team


Hi Team,

Is there any update on this? Definitely a needed feature as the compressed option chews through a decent 35% of my bandwidth allocation for the month (kinda wasteful).



Hi Stuart,

Incremental backups for BackBlaze will probably be implemented on Version 4.1


JetApps Team


Eggsellent thanks so much team.


15 months are gone. Any news on this?


Hi Puntorosso,

Thank you for your continued interest in this feature and support for JetBackup!

As you may know, our team has been hard at work developing our new core, JetBackup 5, which will be first introduced in JetBackup for DirectAdmin(public ALPHA release out now).

The initial alpha release prioritizes getting the core functionalities and features stable and then build and integrate new features, including incremental Object Storage support as well as giving the community the tools to create custom destinations using our baselines and API. You will then be able to add these "community" destination plugins alongside default destinations that we work on, wherein Backblaze with incremental support can be one of them.

Once JetBackup for DirectAdmin reaches the STABLE tier, our team will begin porting this core over new and currently supported panels and platforms, including cPanel.

We'd like to thank you again for your continued support in our products and please stay tuned for updates regarding the next major JetBackup releases!

Highest Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Nice to see this was upgraded to "In progress" :) :)


This is important as using backblaze not only chews up serious bandwidth for us but also limit space used and......... speed up backups which currently takes us 3 hours due to the massive data we hold..


I was having a look at this recently as Backblaze now has an S3 compatible API layer. However, despite hacking away at it, I could not get the S3 Compatible destination added as it seems that many of the S3 details are hard coded (rather than requiring details of the endpoints to be added).

I wonder if a simpler (and quicker) way to achieve this would be for JetApps to add a flag to use all the S3 code with a Backblaze destination (i.e. rather than completely recoding everything).


Hi JetApps :-)

So, support for Incremental backups at BackBlaze will probably be implemented on version 4.1. We are using version 4.0.22 and need this feature soon/now. When will version 4.1 be launched?

Thank you :-)


Hello Everyone,

We are excited to announce that our new Incremental Backup Engine with support for S3 Compatible Destinations, including Backblaze B2, is now available on JetBackup 5.1 on the EDGE Tier!

We like to invite everyone to check out our new Backup Engine and see what the latest JetBackup has to offer!

If you are interested to try out JetBackup 5 with our new engine, please consider getting a free trial at

Already using JetBackup 4? You may install and use both JetBackup 4 and 5 versions simultaneously under the same license at no extra cost.

For more information regarding our JetBackup 5 - EDGE Tier release, relevant warnings, additional details, and steps for getting started with a trial license, please check our official announcement at

We look forward to hearing feedback from you and the community as we continue the development of JetBackup 5 towards a stable release version!

Best Regards,

Anton, JetApps Team.


Please add BackBlaze SSE-C support to this.

This would be the addition of a header to the upload/download commands and will instruct B2 to automatically encrypt/decrypt the files with AES256, using our own key.



Thank you for your additional feedback. As you may know, there is already a feature request similar to this which can be found here: Since this feature request has been completed, please use this new request for any further feedback.

Thank you,

JetApps Team

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