Support for Google Cloud Storage destination

Mike shared this idea 7 years ago

Add support for Google Cloud Storage as an alternative to Amazon S3.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued patience!

We are excited to announce the release of JetBackup v5.1.12 to the EDGE Tier! This new JetBackup 5 update includes a new version of the S3 Compatible Plugin (v1.0.19) which adds support for Google Cloud Storage!

You can find more information about configuring a Google Cloud Storage Destination in JetBackup 5 in our documentation HERE. Please note that the use of our S3 Compatible Plugin is still considered experimental as we are continually pushing updates to increase its stability, efficiency, and versatility.

Below is an image of the Create New Destination screen with the new Google Cloud Storage Configuration example:


Thank you very much for your patience and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team or feel free to leave your feedback on this request.

Thank you,

The JetApps Team

Replies (16)


Great suggestion. This needs to be moved from Uncategorized to JetBackup.



Thank you for submitting your feedback :)We will be reviewing it and update accordingly.


JetApps Team


This is an important upgrade.



Yes indeed :)




Thanks for the information.Our dev team will check it up and keep you posted.



Have you considered to add this feature? Google Cloud Storage is a major competitor to AWS.

Thank you.



Thank you for your feedback.

This is still under consideration :)

Ofir, JetApps Team.



pls. add this soon. :) Really need it. Jetbackup rocks.


Hi Nirjonadda,

Thanks for submitting this request,

I will reach out to our developers to further discuss and consider your request for future releases and provide additional updates as they come.

Best Regards,Anton, JetApps Team


We also need this. We want our destination to utilize Google Cloud Storage.


Hi guys,

Thank you for your continued interest in this feature and support for JetBackup!

As you may know, our team has been hard at work developing our new core, JetBackup 5, which will be first introduced in JetBackup for DirectAdmin(public ALPHA release soon).

The initial release will prioritize getting the core functionalities and features stable and then build and integrate new features, including incremental Object Storage support and giving the community the tools to create custom destinations using our baselines and API. You will then be able to add these "community" destination plugins alongside our default destinations, wherein Google Cloud Storage can definitely be one of them.

Once it reaches the STABLE tier, our team will begin porting this core over new and currently supported panels and platforms, including cPanel.

We'd like to thank you again for your continued support in our products and please stay tuned for updates regarding the next major JetBackup releases!

Highest Regards,Anton, JetApps Team.


Hi there,

Any progress on this? Currently running the trial of JetBackup for CPanel. I thought I may be able to get this running in the mean time by mounting the bucket using gcsfuse but the performance is too poor to be viable by any means.

Any ETA on when this will be natively supported?


Please increase the G-Suite as a backup destination, today I have shared drives and I would like to add them as a backup destination for my cPanel server. ;-)


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued interest and patience in this feature request. As you may know, our team has been hard at work developing this feature and would like to announce that Google Cloud Storage support is currently undergoing internal QA with support on our S3 Compatible Plugin. You may test this initially by configuring your Google Cloud Storage bucket using our "Custom Vendor" option. Please see our documentation for how to configure a custom vendor:

Please note that Google Cloud Storage automatically assigns the region field to the endpoint so you do NOT need to include the region prefix to Endpoint/Region fields on the Create New Destination Page. Please see our example configuration below.


Please note that the use of our S3 Compatible Plugin is still considered experimental as we are continually pushing updates to increase its stability, efficiency, and versatility. Official support for Google Cloud Storage is planned to be available soon on a future S3 Compatible Plugin version. We would love to hear your feedback during this initial testing period as your feedback will help identify any potential bugs which will push us towards a stable release.

We'd like to thank you again for your continued support of our products and please stay tuned for updates regarding the next major JetBackup releases!

The JetApps Team


Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued patience!

We are excited to announce the release of JetBackup v5.1.12 to the EDGE Tier! This new JetBackup 5 update includes a new version of the S3 Compatible Plugin (v1.0.19) which adds support for Google Cloud Storage!

You can find more information about configuring a Google Cloud Storage Destination in JetBackup 5 in our documentation HERE. Please note that the use of our S3 Compatible Plugin is still considered experimental as we are continually pushing updates to increase its stability, efficiency, and versatility.

Below is an image of the Create New Destination screen with the new Google Cloud Storage Configuration example:


Thank you very much for your patience and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to our support team or feel free to leave your feedback on this request.

Thank you,

The JetApps Team


I have a workspace google account and all backups there to share with clients

Please add support as it is important

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