Wordpress detection and restore

Elliot Pearse shared this idea 7 years ago
In Progress

Restoring wordpress is difficult for many novices and it's our most popular request - they don't understand files, the database, and database user permissions. A 1 click solution to restore Wordpress would be great, which would restore files, database user and database.

Detect folders with wp-config.php file, read database credentials from file. Use this data to restore a wordpress installation.

Best Answer

Hello Everyone,

We appreciate everyone's patience while we continue to develop and introduce new and highly-requested JetBackup features and products. We would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our roadmap for this feature.

In February of this year, we announced our latest product, JetBackup for WordPress — an all-in-one website backup plugin for WordPress end users of all skill levels. This offers the easiest way to backup, migrate and restore your WordPress website. [Announcement]

In addition to JetBackup 5, we have now begun the next phase of implementing this feature by evaluating JetBackup for WordPress integration in JetBackup 5. This integration will allow web hosting providers to provide a more convenient and streamlined backup and recovery solution for your WordPress users powered by JetBackup 5!

We are committed to providing the web hosting community with the best backup and recovery solutions possible, and we believe that this integration will help us reach this goal. Thank you again for your continued support, and please look forward to future updates regarding this feature as we begin the next phase of development.

Thank You,
The JetApps Team

Replies (4)



We need some clarifications on that..

Basically you want JetBackup to identify a "system" (wordpress, joomla, drupal - whatever) and to be able to restore directly this system instead of a full account restore ?




HI Eli,

Yes correct, so in cPanel perhaps another JetBackup section called 'My Apps' or similar. On this page would list out the user's installed applications found in their home dir, so they could restore the app root, the database and associated permissions in a single click.

It's difficult for novices to understand what a database is, and if they accidently delete it, or have a problem, they don't understand they need to find the database name in the wp-config.php file, re-create the database and restore it, for example - the user just want's to say 'restore my wordpress from this date' and everything happens automatically.





Thank you for submitting your feedback :)We will be reviewing it and update accordingly.


JetApps Team


Hello Everyone,

We appreciate everyone's patience while we continue to develop and introduce new and highly-requested JetBackup features and products. We would like to take this opportunity to provide an update on our roadmap for this feature.

In February of this year, we announced our latest product, JetBackup for WordPress — an all-in-one website backup plugin for WordPress end users of all skill levels. This offers the easiest way to backup, migrate and restore your WordPress website. [Announcement]

In addition to JetBackup 5, we have now begun the next phase of implementing this feature by evaluating JetBackup for WordPress integration in JetBackup 5. This integration will allow web hosting providers to provide a more convenient and streamlined backup and recovery solution for your WordPress users powered by JetBackup 5!

We are committed to providing the web hosting community with the best backup and recovery solutions possible, and we believe that this integration will help us reach this goal. Thank you again for your continued support, and please look forward to future updates regarding this feature as we begin the next phase of development.

Thank You,
The JetApps Team

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