Add support for CWP

Eddah Nandako shared this idea 5 years ago
Under Consideration

Hi, can you please add support for CWP, centos web panel.

It seems to be good and has many functions.

Replies (19)



Currently, we are working on a standalone JetBackup.

You will probably be able to install it on this panel.

Thank you,

Ofir, Jetapps.




when will it be coming


Would like to see it sooon, cause everybody is run away from cPanel, hurry!!


I´m also very interested in this. Running cPanel the last 5 years, worked very well. But now testing centos webpanel also, the backup system is very old style in CWP for now.

BUT support told me that the new backups system will come out soon.



Hi All,

Just a follow up to update on our progress and roadmap ahead...

As you may have noted, "JetBackup for Linux" was just released. This will be used as a basic foundation for other control panel implementation.

Our next step will be to design the core & tools for "Control panel implementation" (any control panel). Once we are there, we should be able to release full developers tools & documentation allowing any control panel to interact with JetBackup.

We will probably need some help from CWP developers with that making it easier and faster.

Stay tuned! :)


We are changing the CPanel servers to CWP, we would like to continue using JetBackup in CWP. We need this urgently.


CWP is a great panel, this JETBAKCUP solution will help a lot.

I've used it with CPANEL and it works very well. we look forward to the publication CWP + JETBACKUP


How is the progress??

I hope the development team does not take long to do this, it will be very useful and does not yet have another company that does.


Any progress on this?



We really need this integration into CWP... Any news???


I also want it


Hello everyone,

While our team plans to integrate JetBackup into many panels in the time to come, for now, we are happy to say JetBackup for Linux is an excellent program to use, which for many people can be installed right away. This stand-alone version of JetBackup acts exactly the same as the cPanel version of the software.

If you are interested in reading about the panel or the system requirements, please feel free to use the following link:

If you have any further questions about the stand-alone panel, please feel free to reach out to our 24/7 support team at

Best Regards,

JetApps Team


2 years of hopeless waiting

they only focus on webpros panel and DA.

as long as there's no integration from jetbackup to CWP and ApisCP, I wouldn't use jetbackup for linux.


Hello Feby,

Thank you for providing us with your feedback. Our development team is currently engaged in fulfilling current commitments and milestones in our roadmap but please rest assured that our team will continue to reassess our roadmap based on the demand and feedback we receive to consider which Control Panel(s) to promote next for development and allocate our resources accordingly.

We'd just like to remind everyone that we use the voting system to gauge demand for additional features. The more votes a request has, the more likely it will be up for consideration by our developers.

We appreciate everyone's patience and continued interest in JetBackup for CWP and would like to encourage everyone to stay tuned for updates on our official channels.

Best Regards,

The JetApps Team


I see the fact that the voting system is just rhetoric.

if I look at voting thread for Interworx there are only 7 votes, while CWP has 12 votes, and ApisCP has 15 votes.

however jetapps gives progress for interworx but not on ApisCP and CWP.


I believe they don't have much potential to develop applications for CWP, they really need a specialized team. proof of this that they take many years to complete a project, (2 , 3 years) I think doing it using free lances.

soon they will feel the potential of cwp and hire new programmers for the team.


gosh, maybe you're right.

I hope it's not a one man show.

very long wait, no ETA, no certainty, my hopes are fading.

I'll tell people on forums and discord so they don't get their hopes up.


Hello Henrique and Feby,

Thank you for continuing to provide us with valuable feedback. We'd like to clarify, along with our request site and voting system, we also gather feedback from our engagements with clients, partners, and the community across all official channels when deciding what project to work on next.

For insight into our current roadmap, our developers are working on supporting two new panels as well as expanding the list of supported operating systems. We are also continuing to make performance and stability improvements with our new Backup and Indexing Engine in order to promote S3 compatible destinations from the "Experimental" to the "Stable" Tier. This will allow us to implement more highly requested destinations in the near future.

JetBackup 5 was released to Stable 10 months ago and we are a couple of months away from a new JetBackup 5 version with support to those two new control panels. Please also consider that it will take time for our team to acclimate to newly supported environments. With each new environment, we need to gather feedback and potential issues/bug reports to release necessary bug fixes.

With that being said, we would appreciate the opportunity to hear more from you regarding your needs and your experience with JetBackup 5 for Linux when using it alongside CWP. We'd like to invite you to reach out to us at so that we can arrange a meeting with you, our customer experience manager, and our developer liaison. We would like the chance to hear your thoughts and any feedback you provide will be greatly valued, as it helps us better understand your needs.

We hope to hear from you soon,

The JetApps Team


Thank you for providing this assurance to us,

I will discuss your feedback with ApisCP and CWP developers.


desperately need integration with CWP Panel.


this integration would be great


unfortunately they can't do it.


they can´t do it? :( :( why?


people have been asking for this for many years and they haven't done it, do you think a company would lose hundreds of customers for a simple application? this is not a complicated procedure for a company with many programmers... I think this company (jet) has only 1 or 2 people who work there. the most is just speculation


We really need to develop Jetbakcup for Control web panel, it's a very good panel and Jetbakcup could live very well with it. It would be ideal for many.


The basic reason of the ignorance of CWP because its not too much used plate forum as cpanel plesk and others


Jetbackup implemented their solution for INTERWORX who knows his personality I have never heard of him anywhere yet they have the control panel. the same is necessary for CWP which is more widespread than INTERWORX, we will fight so that Jetbackup can be implemented on CWP because we like Jetbackup and we want this solution on CWP.



Just jumping in to clarify how the panel's integration works behind the scenes. We've created a "Panel Development Toolkit," which is essentially a blank interface with demo functions, allowing panels to integrate their API calls for data collection and restoration.

I previously reached out to CWP about this but didn't receive a response. I've just followed up with them personally and will share any updates here as soon as I hear back.

For this integration to succeed, we really need the panels to collaborate closely with us. Without their support, it’s nearly impossible since we're delving into the core of their API systems, and we're likely to encounter issues that will require their attention.


As I have the server with them, I also informed the CWP developers that you (Jetbackup) had contacted them for collaboration to obtain the functional control panels on CWP as soon as possible.


Super what good news finally the situation seems to be unblocked it would be a magnificent gift to have this functionality fully compatible with CWP for the end of year holidays :) in any case we will do everything to ensure that CWP reacts to the request of Jetbackup and the entire community.


In case my opinion is of any use to you. CWP is dying. I wrote an urgent issue to CWP billing, and it took them more than 3 weeks to respond, with dozens of client servers being inaccessible due to a problem with their licensing service.

Until very recently, we were CWP partners, and I must say, at first everything worked very well. After several years as partners, we’ve seen a huge decline in service and panel issues. Every day there is a problem with some CWP server, which causes clients to open tickets with us.

We opted to use HestiaCP, and the change has been amazing in terms of support. Everything it has works. It may lack some features, but everything it does have works well. CWP has so many unnecessary things... and most of them don’t work.

Anyway, we are leaving CWP, and another friendly company has also abandoned CWP and is no longer a partner either.

Be careful about doing things for the panel, because I think it’s dying. And don’t tell me it's doing well, because that’s a lie—I can prove it whenever you want. Every day we have support tickets from clients who are still on CWP, but for those we have on HestiaCP, support is almost non-existent; no one has problems, and we value that a lot.

Anyway, that’s my assessment. If it helps anyone, great. If not, well, at least I’ve informed you.


Bonjour merci pour votre commentaire, mais personnellement je n'ai jamais eu le moindre problème étant donné que je suis partenaire avec eux depuis des années, le support est toujours très réactif et corrige les erreurs, si vous prenez le pack entreprise il n'y a aucun problème, ils font toujours bien les choses, je n'ai jamais été inquiet et n'ai jamais subi le moindre problème de leur part, au contraire il aime les suggestions d'améliorations.

Personnellement c'est une minorité de personnes je pense, si je dois comparer le support de Cpanel à celui de CWP CWP est beaucoup plus présent, il corrige beaucoup plus de choses en interne que Cpanel.

The technical support is very responsive, the billing service is indeed slower, but the technical support is very present.


When you have a problem with their licensing server and have hundreds of websites down, we’ll see the agility you’re talking about.

Even in support, they went so far as to threaten to block me from submitting more tickets. If you want screenshots, I can send them. They simply said I had to wait for billing’s response, "even though it was their problem," and they didn’t care at all.

Heads up, I have direct contact with CWP members via Telegram and WhatsApp, but they couldn’t do anything and couldn’t reach the person responsible. That’s not viable for a hosting business, which is why we decided to leave them. At least with HestiaCP, you don’t run the risk of the licensing server failing, haha, and what we do is make donations as if we were paying CWP.


Support is very improvable, but CWP is a good panel. In my opinion it is the best option for a server that integrates nginx,apache,varnish in a simple way.


It is very important that Jetbackup can support the CWP control panel, it is one of the best in my opinion, it is super simple and very low price, I think that if you approach the developers a release online soon could take place it's on they are very responsive.


Jetbackup must do everything so that this control panel can be 100% implemented with Jetbackup CWP being the future, Cpanel is becoming too expensive, the alternative is CWP, Jetbackup must be on it.


I have just had the CWP developer Jose Manuel Nuñez confirm that he is currently in contact with the JETBACKUP developers for the integration of JETBACKUP in a future update of CWP.

So normally the collaboration and integration should take place, we hope that the developers present here can also confirm their information to us which is beneficial for the future, with JETBACKUP CWP will become for my part management level the best hosting administration panels



Just to clarify, I never heard back from them, and as far as I know, no one from CWP contacted our team. The last ticket in our system was 5 years ago.

I haven't given up yet, Now that I have a name (Jose Manuel Nuñez) I reached out directly via LinkedIN

Let's see how it goes :)


Hello you can contact him on skype he is available at josem.nunez

The developer is waiting for your contact on Skype which he indicated in this way you can contact him personally


Hi, we are working together for this integration, I am on skype with josem.nunez


FINALLY !!! a relief finally after so many years you probably have the answers to our questions this person seems to be the developer of CWP and so finally we will probably have Jetbackup in a future update after so many years. CWP will become a pillar in terms of hosting with this Jetbackup integration :)

Thanks to José Manuel Nuñez for listening to us and allowing this future integration :)

This shows the seriousness of CWP to its entire community


@Jose Manuel Nuñez If you need help, my team and I can help you get started.


6202f02057833fa1af6360f20a47fa65Hello, can you provide an update on the progress of the CWP integration?

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